EntertainmentNew Zealand

Those Kiwis certainly know how to have a good time and put on a fun charity event. Dads N Drag raises funds for The Plunket Family Centre in Timaru which provides invaluable service to families in their community. Members of the community are given the opportunity to nominate a dad in their workplace to dress up in drag and raise funds for this awesome charity.

The event, held at Caroline Bay Hall, gave lighting production company Vibrant Lighting the opportunity to showcase their new Ayrton Diablo fixtures which were purchased to replace old stock.
“I had to have a fixture that was lightweight as many of the venues that we work in are small and you can’t hang lots of gear,” said Sarah Edwards, Vibrant’s Designer/Project Manager. “The fixture also had to have framing shutters plus it’s nice to have a fixture that I can lift on my own.”

Show Technology arranged a shootout between the Diablo and another manufacturer’s fixture that sashayed onto the scene and whilst Sarah says that they were both great lights, ultimately the other fixture carried a little bit too much weight. Score to the Diablo for throwing shade all over that fixture.

Vibrant is a small company and the purchase of the Diablos was a major investment for them so Sarah thoroughly researched the fixture’s abilities.

“They’re extremely bright!” she stated. “I like the colour saturation in them and the effects wheel. It’s a shame not having a second gobo wheel but if it means you can have the shutters, then I’m fine with it! The shutters work really well and basically they’re just a great fixture.”

Well researched girlfriend! On the night, the Ayrton Diablos proved they were the ultimate Queen shining through a flurry of sequins and feathers, with the event raising over NZ$15k.

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The Diablo is the smallest, lightest and most efficient luminaire of its category. With a record output of 19,000 lumens and a total weight of 21.8 kg, Diablo is a powerhouse of technology that will tempt the most demanding lighting designers.

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