
Thirty years ago Claypaky offered products that, compared with today’s offering, seem a geological era ago – but great products for their time! There was the Superscan, Golden Scan 1, Golden Scan 2, Miniscan HTI 150, Polycolor, Sapphire, Jade followspot, Astroraggi, Gemini, and Marte which was similar to the Atlas.

Alberico D’Amato, Claypaky’s Sales Director, can’t remember the exact time he first met Emmanuel saying it was a long time ago!

“For sure it was at the beginning of my career in Claypaky almost 30 years ago,” he added. “At that time I was overseeing other regions and Australia was taken care of by a colleague who is now retired. I remember him as a young man speaking great Italian with a fascinating, distinctive accent! Emmanuel’s origins being from the South of Italy, as mine too, made an immediate connection between us. However, I remember very well an episode where we deepened our knowledge. We were in Paderborn at a Lightpower Open Day (Claypaky German Distributor) and coincidentally on the bus that took us from the hotel to the location of the convention. I was lucky enough to sit next to him and we immediately developed confidence and respect.”

A few years later, Alberico was lucky enough to be appointed as Area Manager for Australia and that’s when their great, enduring friendship and relationship started.

“After we started working on an almost daily basis, I always felt a positive attitude coming from Emmanuel,” commented Alberico. “For both of us, there were never problems, only solutions. Yes sure, during the 30-year journey, like every company, we had ups and downs, but always overcame the difficult moments and surfed with enthusiasm the great moments. We just met in Rome a few days ago and it’s always the same, even if we don’t see each other for a while, it seems we have seen each other the day before.”

Alberico says that to describe what he admires of Emmanuel would be a long list, preferring to summarize it by saying that Emmanuel is the kind of person that makes you feel at home all the time. He adds that class, elegance, humour, presence and positive mood are all qualities that he finds in Emmanuel and all his family members … starting with his lovely wife, Gina.

“Emmanuel is the most Italian person I know, including all the Italians who live in Italy!” said Alberico. “His lifestyle, his elegance, his food, his music, his private passions, and his very strong bond with his family are all guided by an Italian spirit that stands out and makes him special. Plus Emmanuel is the most generous person I know. I have a passion for tennis and twice he took me to see the Australian Open in Melbourne in a very privileged way. Another example of his generosity is the multitude of gifts he gave to my adopted son when he met him and then met him again in Italy at my house.”

Professionally, Alberico’s relationship with Emmanuel is, as mentioned, beautiful and ‘full of nice meetings with clients and lighting designers’ with many deals done together. Even in Italy, when Emmanuel accompanied an Australian delegation to visit Claypaky, they had some fun trips together, visiting the car museum in Turin or taking a boat trip on Lake Maggiore.

“However, certainly my best memories are linked to his Italian nature and his wonderful family,” said Alberico. “In particular, there was a weekend spent with the whole family at Emmanuel and Gina’s house – an extraordinary, unique couple, with an overwhelming love that can be felt in every moment. A beautiful Saturday and Sunday with the big Sunday family lunch typical of an Italy that is starting to disappear and which, for me, still represents something of the highest value. It was wonderful. The union, the atmosphere, the bond, the harmony and the complicity that we breathed made that day one of the most fulfilling of my life and I will never forget it!”

When discussing Show Technology and Claypaky’s growth together, Alberico says that Show Technology’s contribution has been its straight approach, both in good and difficult moments. Emmanuel’s and Show Technology’s opinions are always valuable and highly respected.

“Australia, despite its distance, is extremely connected with major and “driving” markets like the UK and USA,” he continues. “With Influential production companies and lighting designers, being successful in Australia turns into success not only in the region but in the international market as well. Show Technology’s contribution and added value to Claypaky has been to keep these influential stakeholders always aware, focused and interested in our products.”