
From when I was a total upstart in the industry I admired Emmanuel and Showtech’s support and the tight relationship he had with Gino at his Perth company AVLA, where I first started.

I still remember feeling like a rockstar when EZ flew us over for a Martin conference and I received training on the Case console. I loved the effects engine on that dinosaur!

I remember someone from Martin Denmark and “Wince” as he referred to Vince, training us on the latest Martin lights which were MAC600s and 500s. He was so proud to demo colour mixing and asked the audience to give him any reference colour and he would replicate it in the MAC600. Some wise guy, probably Neale Mace, calls out Lee 106. The Martin rep’s shoulders slumped and with an embarrassed wry smile he said, “ok maybe not primary red”. Still makes me laugh. We’re such nerds!

Thirty years later and in large part thanks to EZ’s support, I’m here today representing my own company with one of the future legends of the industry Josh, who’s receiving the same Showtech famiglia treatment I received back then. I wouldn’t be where I am today without Emmanuel’s support over the years and I wouldn’t be the leader I try to be for my team without his example.

After many trade shows, many fancy dinners and a couple of US trips with Showtech, they now hit 30. Bloody hell, are we that old already? The industry has gone from Martin 805 scanners when I started, to the colossus Martin PALs (or Jetskis as we called them) and thank God we now have some pretty cool, reliable, IP fixtures, some even with laser lamps, the quality of the latest Martin and Ayrton fixtures.

I’m so intrigued to see what technology will be invented by the time we’ve all handed our businesses over to the next generation and reminiscing from our retirement homes … or in EZ and Gina’s case, Casa del Ziino in Lake Como.

Emmanuel has been so supportive in his care for our working relationship and friendship, always making me feel a little special, as I know he does everyone! Even when I was not investing much into lighting for quite some time his support and friendship did not waver.

Thank you to Emmanuel and Gina for 30 years. Your leadership and friendship is what I’m most grateful for. Also, to both of you, I’d like to know your secret for reverse aging!