Atomic 3000 DMX

Category: SKU: MARSTR100 Tag:

The Atomic 3000 DMX is a powerful, high-impact strobe with 3000 watts of unlimited energy. Like nature’s most powerful energy source, the Atomic 3 DMX is an ultra-bright, high-impact strobe that supplies an explosive pulse of energy to clubs, tours and mobile DJ’s.
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The Atomic is dimmable from 0-100%. Flash duration is controllable and for ultimate flexibility and variety of effect, variable adjustment of flash rate (20ms to 2 seconds) and flash intensity is possible.The Atomic 3000 DMX is both intense and intelligent. DMX controllable, it employs a smart, integrated heat control that eliminates the need for cool down time.

  • 3000 W strobe
  • 5600 K color temperature
  • Continuous blinder effect with auto fade
  • Smart integrated heat control eliminates cool down time
  • Variable flash duration, intensity & rate
  • Preprogrammed special e
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