Ayrton Perseos Ready to Drown!

Illumination+Optics, the Wellington-based lighting and video design company, has expanded its inventory with Ayrton Perseo Profiles and an MA Lighting grandMA3 light console. “Initially, we were drawn to the Ayrton Perseo as it was showing up on a lot of riders coming through,” commented Morgan Whitfield, Managing Director. “I also wanted something we could put…

Ayrton Domino Wash Makes its Debut at Adelaide Festival

The 2024 Adelaide Festival opened with the world premiere of Baleen Moondjan, a contemporary ceremony from creative visionary Stephen Page. Inspired by a story from Stephen’s grandmother from the Ngugi/Nunukul/Moondjan people of Minjerribah (Stradbroke Island), Baleen Moondjan celebrates First Nations’ relationships between baleen whales and communities’ totemic systems. Set amongst giant whale bones on the…