RUSH MH7 Hybrids for Merrigong Theatre Company

Merrigong Theatre Company manages one of Australia’s busiest, most dynamic regional venues – Illawarra Performing Arts Centre in Wollongong, about an hour south of Sydney. They also manage the city’s key civic and community venue, the Wollongong Town Hall. Merrigong is also a vibrant theatre company in its own right – producing, presenting and touring…

Martin RUSH for Scene Change Adelaide

Scene Change Adelaide added Martin Professional RUSH MH7 and MH6 fixtures to their inventory prior to Christmas. The resourcefulness these fixtures offer was essential for the busy holiday season and Nick Waterman, Director SA, Scene Change, commented that versatility of lighting was key to working within their clients’ budgets. Pictured are a couple of Christmas…


The ShowPRO DMX Terminator XLR 3pin is a 3-pin DMX terminator plug. DMX terminators prevent your DMX signal from bouncing back and causing issues with DMX control and show playback.