Actoris ParLED

There is an increasing demand for smaller, silent, and simpler light fixtures that produce an excellent and efficient light beam. The ACTORIS PARLED embodies these qualities is a small form factor fixture that only weighs 6 kilograms and is 306 mm in length.

Flume Tours With zactrack SMART

In today’s fast-paced entertainment industry, technology is constantly evolving to meet the demands of live events. One such technology that has been making waves in the stage lighting industry is the zactrack® automated follow-system. The zactrack system is a cutting-edge technology that uses ultra-wideband radio tracking systems to accurately follow people and objects in motion.…

Prolights VersaPars Light Up The Street

The Street Theatre is Canberra’s award-winning home of live storytelling and performance, and a major investor in new theatre, music, and artists from the ACT and region. The Street Theatre commissions, develops, produces, and presents work that challenges expectation and convention, reveals untold perspectives, and talks to who we are and the world around us.…

Sully 651SX 4C 11/26

Sully 4C is a series of variable zoom profile featuring a 4-colour LED source and integrating an innovative software platform named RJ Colour.