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BlackBox F-1 G6

Featuring state-of-the-art new technology, the new G6 models include some brand-new functionality and communication protocols, including ArtNet and Streaming ACN via WiFi, RDM support in all models, Bluetooth connectivity for configuration and software updates, and full compatibility with LumenRadio’s CRMX technology.

Sydney Solstice Celebration Concert

During June, Sydney Solstice brought the city’s streets back to life with a two-week celebration of Sydney’s vibrant food, beverage, art, creative industries and Sydney’s night-time economy in the lead up to the longest night of the year. The heritage Locomotive Street in South Eveleigh was transformed into a festival of free and ticketed events…

Cowra Civic Centre is Revitalised with ShowPRO

The Cowra Civic Centre regularly hosts live performances, cinema screenings, civic events, balls and seminars. The centre has two spaces – the main auditorium seating 335 people and the theatrette seating up to 80 people. Located on Wiradjuri Country in Central West NSW, the Cowra Civic Centre was officially open December 5, 1969. The first…

AVE Grow with Prolights EclPanel TWCJr

Audio Visual Events pride themselves on offering the latest in AV equipment to present their client’s information and goals in a stunning manner. So it was no surprise when the decision was made to purchase twelve Prolights EclPanel TWCJr, the LED soft light that is taking the industry by storm. The Prolights EclPanel TWCJr provides…


People and objects in motion are tracked with high accuracy and represented in a 3D model. Based on this input, various effect devices are controlled to point, follow, and focus automatically. View our product range here. Zactrack is an automated “Following System” designed for open-air events, theatre stages and studios. Any number of performers can…